Simon says game Solder Kit

If you are looking for a simple way to learn soldering, or just want to make a small gadget that you can carry, this soldering kit is a great opportunity. Simon says game is an educational kit which teaches you how to solder, and in the end, you get to have your own small game. The goal of the game is to press the buttons in the same order as LED turn on. With every correct answer, the game gets a bit harder. How many correct answers can you get? It's based on Attiny404 microcontroller, programmed in Arduino. At its back, you'll find CR2032 battery which makes the kit portable. There's keychain holder as well. Soldering process is easy enough based on the mark on the PCB. The kit consists of: • PCB • Attiny404 microcontroller • 4 LEDs • 4 Pushbuttons • A switch • 4 resistors 330ohm • CR2032 battery holder • Battery CR2032 • Keychain holder

If you are looking for a simple way to learn soldering, or just want to make a small gadget that you can carry, this soldering kit is a great opportunity. Simon says game is an educational kit which teaches you how to solder, and in the end, you get to have your own small game. The goal of the game is to press the buttons in the same order as LED turn on. With every correct answer, the game gets a bit harder. How many correct answers can you get? It's based on Attiny404 microcontroller, programmed in Arduino. At its back, you'll find CR2032 battery which makes the kit portable. There's keychain holder as well. Soldering process is easy enough based on the mark on the PCB. The kit consists of: • PCB • Attiny404 microcontroller • 4 LEDs • 4 Pushbuttons • A switch • 4 resistors 330ohm • CR2032 battery holder • Battery CR2032 • Keychain holder

Category: Electronics

Sale Points: Company Website

Company: Soldered Electronics d.o.o.

Website URL: – Website Url

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